Every Monday our guest tells us What The F*** They Want. Simple concept for a simple podcast.
108: Discworld RPG
Really have to stop dragging people in last minute, CaptainJSpaulding got roped in again last minute and gets nothing but bad manners for the privilege. We return to Terry Pratchett's Discworld and explore the possibility of future Computer Games around the subject matter. Sort of. We talk an awful amount of bollocks in between it all too.
Thanks for listening and hopefully you were mildly entertained and/or insulted.
Please look up the socials to find more information on the guests and any projects they are working on.
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/cptJspaulding
ThatFKingGuy - https://www.patreon.com/ThatFKingGuy
TotalCultZone - http://totalcultzone.com/
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